She also meets once a month with her "circle of advisors" key industry people like Grady Booch to talk about projects, ideas, and generally to brainstorm about what AW should be covering. 她也会每个月去会见她的核心顾问――那些像GradyBooch这样在业界的重要人物,他们讨论项目、想法,更通常的是为Addison-Wesley应该出版哪些书籍而献计献策。
Even more challenging was gaining support of all the key industry players ( Microsoft, IBM, HP, etc.). 甚至更多的挑战得到所有主要的行业参与者(Microsoft、IBM、HP等等)的支持。
Those measures include, I'll just give you a headline is that, reducing emission per unit of GDP in key industry by at least 30% by the end of 2017. 我就给你个标题,这些措施包括重点行业每单位国内生产总值的排放量到2017年底下降30%。
The tax base was used to justify huge investments in infrastructure, which dwindled as residents started to move away, and key industry players moved away as competition rose and they found cheaper, more innovative alternatives. 课税基础,用来刺激大型资金投往基础建设,也随着人口搬离而减少,支柱企业,由于竞争的加剧,会寻找更便宜更有创新精神的替代地。
A key industry, speech, position He recapitulated the main points of the speech. 重要的工业、讲话、位置.他把讲话的重点扼要重述了一遍。
Ensure the money investment, open up the external market, enlarge the enterprise scale and enhance the competitiveness of prop industry and key industry. 保证资金投入、展外埠市场、大企业规模,提高支柱、点产业的竞争力。
One particular Hollywood producer has refined a system of getting assistants to phone a number of key industry figures. 一位独特的好莱坞制作人已经完善了一种让助理给一些重要业内人物打电话的系统。
As a result, tourism has become the important economic growth strength and key industry in Shenzhen. 旅游业已成为深圳经济重要的新增长点和重要产业。
The solar photovoltaic industry is becoming a key industry in many countries and regions. 太阳能光伏产业正在成为许多国家和地区重点发展的产业。
Companies in the secretive world of shipping are becoming more open and some are even moving to embrace public listings, interviews with key industry decision-makers have revealed. 向来神秘兮兮的航运界公司正变得更为开放,其中一些甚至开始筹备公开上市,这是业内一些关键决策者在采访中透露的趋势。
Key industry investment trust 基础工业投资托拉斯
The Determination of Chinese Key Industry Based on Industrial Relevancy and Comparative Advantage 基于产业关联度及区内相对比较优势度的中国重点发展产业选择
As a key industry, the chemical industry enhances other downstream manufacturing industries by providing innovative products and solutions as a source for their future growth and development. 作为主导产业,化工业通过提供创新产品和解决方案促进其他下游制造业的发展,成为后者未来发展和增长的源泉。
The land price for key industry project can be negotiated specifically. 重点工业项目可以实施一事一议。
Regional strategic industry is the key industry that relates to the overall and long-term situation of the development of national economy and the rationalization of regional strategic industry structure. 区域战略性产业是关系到国民经济发展和区域战略性产业结构合理化的关键性、全局性和长远性的产业。
As a new increase point in the economic development of our country and a key industry of some regions in China, tourism has come into a new phase of "domestic, frontier and transnational tour"; 旅游作为我国经济发展新的增长点和部分地区的支柱产业已经发展到了国内、边境、跨国三游并举的新阶段;
It must have been pointed out that tourism is booming, a new growth engine of Beibei economy playing a leading role in the industrial structure adjustment of the whole district, and a key industry to which the Beibei government gives high priority. 必须明确,旅游业是朝阳产业,是北碚区经济新的增长点,是在全区产业结构调整、加快第三产业发展中发挥重要作用的先导产业,是北碚区优先发展的重点产业。
Energy industry, a key industry in China's general strategy for sustainable development, strategy of energy exploitation has become a key problem to which great attention has been paid. 我国的能源发展战略一直是人们关注的关键问题,也是我国可持续发展总体战略中的一个关键性行业。
Tianjin is the important hub and port city of north China with logistics as the key industry. 天津是我国北方重要的经济中心和重要的港口城市,处于环渤海的两个扇面的轴心,也是中国北方的重要交通枢纽,现代物流产业被确定为天津经济发展的重要产业之一。
The shipbuilding industry has become a key industry for export in China through 20 years 'effort. 船舶工业经过20年的努力,已成为我国机电产品出口的支柱产业。
The top key industry which promotes the development of knowledge economy is information industry, and an information era is coming. 推动知识经济增长的第一支柱产业是信息产业,一个信息化的时代也随之来临。
The progress of industrial restructuring and the transfer of the key industry is a natural course of economic development. Although the government can adopt industrial policies in strengthening ang lowering the development of a industry, the best industrial restructuring must accord with the phase of economic development. 产业结构的演进,支柱产业的转化是经济发展的自然过程,尽管政府可以通过产业政策加强或减缓某一产业的发展,但是只有与经济发展阶段相适应的产业结构才是最优的产业结构。
To make mechanism innovation, adjust key industry development and do larger-scale real state development in forest areas can promote the development of forest old industry base in Heilongjiang. 实行体制创新、调整产业发展重点并实行较大规模的林区房地产开发,可大大推进黑龙江森工老工业基地的振兴和发展。
In our country the direction and aim of the institutional reorganization of state-owned property is to reform the structure of the property disposition to move the state-owned property to the key industry and key enterprises in order for the state-owned economic plays a leading role in the national economic. 在我国,国有资产重组的方向和目标是改革国有资产配置结构,使国有资产投向重点行业和重点企业,更好地发挥国有经济在国民经济的主导作用。
This paper analyzes the characteristic of pollution and some key industry, and gives some suggestions finally. 本文从造纸行业污染的特点出发分析了其主要问题和对策。
As petroleum, chemical engineering, automobile and telecommunication industry, FTND is one of key industry for a nation, and occupies an important place in the national economy. 一类新药产业象石油,化工,汽车和电信产业一样,是一个国家的龙头产业,占有相当重要经济地位;
The enterprise's development have already entered the key industry adjustment stage with economy prior upgrade and improve international competitiveness, especially after joining WTO, the international market competition faced is aggravated badly. 企业发展已进入以经济优先升级和提高国际竞争力的核心产业调整阶段,特别是加入WTO之后,面临的国际市场竞争日益加剧。
The industry structure in Chengdu is irrational and the choice of key industry lack obvious advantages. 成都市产业结构不合理,在重点产业选择上缺乏明显优势。
4, To emphases developing estate, service, trade, tourism, education, finance, goods transport as the key industry. 确定以房地产业、服务产业、商贸业、旅游、教育、金融、物流为产业发展方向和重点。
At present, the house industry has already become the key industry of our national economy. 目前,住房业已经成为我国国民经济的支柱产业。